Want more stem cell treatments in the UK? Check out the story below about a crash victim who underwent a stem cell surgery.
Watching a news report about a climber whose leg was saved through stem cell treatment encouraged Diane Stuttard, a hit-and-run crash victim, to decide to undergo the same procedure. She called Dr. Anan Shetty, the leading orthopaedic surgeon mentioned in the news report and underwent a similar operation.
She is now waiting for her leg to heal properly. Stuttard received the treatment in Spire Alexander Hospital in Chatham, Kent where stem cells from her bone marrow were mixed with a gel called Surgifill.
The stem cells are now starting to form new bone to heal her tibia and fibula which were shattered during her 2001 accident.
Dr. Shetty, who led the operation, says they managed the stem cells to stimulate the bone to grow quicker. Stuttard will wait for 18 months before they can be sure that her leg has healed properly. Sttutard’s treatment is the first to use the combination of stem cells and Surgifill.