Stem Cell Cerebral Palsy: Jona Ghelli at XCell Stem Cell Clinic. The XCell Stem Cell Clinic in Dusseldorf, Germany has been receiving some negative press lately. First some British scientists accused the clinic of performing unlicensed and unproven stem cell therapies.
Then there’s this Daily Telegraph report about the death of a young boy following stem cell therapy at the controversial clinic.
But news reports about XCell Stem Cell Clinic isn’t all negative.
Metrowest Daily, a paper in the U.S. state of Massachusetts, has this report about Jona Ghelli, a 16-year-old girl with cerebral palsy and microcephaly, whose condition improved and who continues to do well after she underwent stem cell treatment at the XCell Clinic.
From Metrowest Daily:
Jona and her parents, Joanne and Paul, got back a few weeks ago from Dussledorf, Germany, where Jona underwent stem cell treatment at the XCell Center.
Although life has since returned to its normal pace in the Ghelli household, Joanne Ghelli said she is still thrilled with the results of the treatment. “Jona’s doing great,” she said. “We saw improvements almost immediately.”
The stem cell treatment involved taking some adult stem cells fro Jona’s hip bone. This was processed in a laboratory and was injected back to her spine.
During the procedure, adult stem cells were taken from Jona’s hip bone and sent to a lab before being injected back into her spine.
According to mom Joanne, the effect was immediately noticeable. From Metrowest Daily:
Joanne Ghelli said the first hint that the treatment had a level of success came only hours after Jona underwent the procedure. She said that in the evening after Jona underwent the treatment, Jona was laying down and started getting headaches and chills, common side effects of the treatment.
Joanne Ghelli said Jona became nauseated and she was helping her up when two words slipped out. “She immediately started screaming, ‘Can’t move,”‘ said Joanne Ghelli.
Joanne Ghelli said the seemingly run-of-the-mill statement was important because Jona had always had trouble expressing when she was sick or in pain. “I’m saying to myself, ‘Wow, she’s telling me.”‘
Says Joanne of the improvement she’s seen on her daughter: “She is verbalizing so much more. You can absolutely have a short conversation with her. … She says things like, ‘Mom, can you help me dress? I need help. I can’t do it.”‘
Now, if that is not an inspiring story, we don’t know what is. We hope the paper will continue to report on Jona’s journey to recovery.
Stem Cell Cerebral Palsy Successful Story: Jona Ghelli at XCell Stem Cell Clinic. Posted 4 November 2010.