Animal Stem Cell Therapy in Florida. Want more stories on animal stem cell therapy? Here’s a report about two dogs undergoing stem cell therapy in Florida. It reportedly costs US$ 1,800 according to the Panhandle Parade. More information below.
Hummer and Rascal are the first dogs in Florida to receive animal stem cell therapy. Hummer is suffering from hip dysplasia patient while Rascal is an osteoarthritis patient.
The two dogs are patients of the Animal Care Center in Panama City Beach. The clinic is considered the first in the state of Florida to perform in-house Animal Stem Cell Regenerative Therapy.
Dr. Mike Hutchinson, pet supplier for the procedure and representative of MediVet America, went to Panama City to instruct local veterinarians on how the procedure works. The Pan Handle Parade quotes Dr. Hutchinson:
“I can use the body’s repair system, its own regenerative repair system to repair disease. These cells are already sitting in our fat, we are taking them out of the patient, out of the dog, processing them two or three hours, injecting them right back into the same patient. We take their stem cells and put them right back into them.”
Dr. Hutchinson pointed out that there is no ethical or moral issue regarding the procedure since no embryos will be used. Barbra Stokesbary, owner of Hummer, said the stem cell treatment is amazing and affordable.
The entire process will finish in about three to four hours and reportedly costs 1, 800 dollars. It targets pets suffering from degenerative diseases and is being performed in five U.S. states, including Florida.
For more stories on animal stem cell treatments, check out our previous entries about the successful stem cell for pet dogs. Note that it was also mentioned in said post that animal stem cell treatments in Australia costs around $6000 according to the report by the Otago Daily Times.
Animal Stem Cell Therapy in Florida. Posted 24 October 2010.