Fake Blueberries in Cereals & Muffins: Kellog’s, General Mills, Betty Crocker

Fake Blueberries in Cereals and Muffins: Kellog’s, General Mills, and Betty Crocker. All fruits are ‘stars’ that pack significant health benefits, but blueberries are absolute superstars. Blueberries abound with antioxidants, vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium and other essential nutrients, so much so that many nutritionists think of blueberries as a superfood.

They are known to be beneficial to the skin, improve brain function, prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia, and lower the risk of heart disease and cancer. At only 42 calories per 1/2 cup serving, blueberries are ideal as a smart snack option.

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Pink Slime in Food, Hamburgers, and Ground Beef

Pink Slime in Food, Hamburgers, and Ground Beef. For the sheer number of burgers they consume—about 40 billion burgers a year—Americans could rename their country Burger Nation.

But how many Americans knew that for many years most of their burgers were not made from beef, but from an ammonia-treated burger extender product derisively dubbed by agriculture department officials as “pink slime”?

The good news is that—as quietly as they began using the product ten years ago, three fast food chains stopped using it last December.

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Wood Pulp in Food: Makes It Cheap But Is It Safe to Eat?

Wood Pulp in Food: Makes It Cheap But Is It Safe to Eat? What’s in your food that’s also found in glue, asphalt, automotive brake pads and your pet’s litter? Wood? Yes. Or more specifically, cellulose or the wood pulp that is also used in cleaning detergents, welding electrodes, plastics, reinforcing compounds, construction materials, roof coating, emulsion paints and the other inedible items earlier listed.

In today’s fast-paced world of processed food, much of what we end up eating is loaded with factory-made additives like preservatives, artificial food colors and cellulose.

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Silicone Buttocks Injection: Safe or Unsafe? Good or Bad? Deadly Side Effects?

Silicone Buttocks Injection: Safe or Unsafe? Good or Bad? Deadly Side Effects? A firm, round and juicy-looking butt. Many women today seek just that, after pop icons Jennifer Jopez, Beyonce and Kim Kardashian have turned the “big booty” into one of a woman’s most desired assets. And some women are even willing to die to get one.

Early last year, medics rushed to a Philadelphia hotel, responding to a 20-year old British woman who was having chest pains and difficulty breathing.

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Rodial Boob Job Cream: Review Says It Doesn’t Work

Rodial Boob Job Cream: Review Says It Doesn’t Work. A member of the United Kingdom’s parliament criticized the maker of Boob Job cream, calling it a “charlatan and a bully” for using libel laws to silence a leading plastic surgeon who outed the product as a fake.

Speaking in the house of commons on Dec. 1, Conservative MP David Davis said that the ability of companies like Rodial, maker of the breast cream, to use libel laws against critics was a violation of ancient principles of English law.

“[Rodial’s threat] would be ludicrous, bordering on the farcical, were it not so serious in its wider implications,” said Davis. “It is a disgraceful tactic, and it should not be possible under a decently balanced judicial system.”

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Ortho Evra Side Effects, Blood Clot Risks and Other Adverse Reactions

Ortho Evra Side Effects, Blood Clot Risks and Other Adverse Reactions. Reproductive health advisers to the United States Food and Drug Administration have recommended that the label of Johnson & Johnson’s birth control patch Ortho Evra be simplified to explain the risk of blood clots more clearly.

Voting 20 to 3 with one abstention, the panel said the current label for Ortho Evra inadequately reflects the risks women face by using it.

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