Are Phosphate Enemas Safe for Old People?

Are Phosphate Enemas Safe for Old People? Do you have an oldster in your life? A granny or grandpa maybe? An elderly aunt? If so, take note. Like any person who lived through the Depression and World War II era, your grandma or grandpa believes in enemas in the same way that he or she swears by drinking cod liver oil.

For some oldsters, the enema habit, begun in childhood by parents who meant well but were ill advised, is well entrenched by the time they reach old age.

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Sex After Menopause: Does DHEA Make it Better?

Sex After Menopause: Does DHEA Make it Better? Hot flashes. Night sweats. A clammy feeling. Irritability. Mood swings. Trouble sleeping at night. Irregular periods. Dry vagina. Crashing fatigue. Anxiety. Difficulty concentrating. Disorientation. Incontinence. Aching muscles. Headaches. Flatulence. Dizziness. Hair loss. Changes in body odor. Bleeding gums. Tinnitus.

Those are only some of at least 35 symptoms suffered by women going through menopause—and the list can sound like a litany of woes or a torturer’s catalogue of triumphs.

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Alzheimers Prevention Tips: Can Vitamin B12 Prevent Alzheimers?

Eating food rich in Vitamin B12 – such as eggs, fish, poultry and other meat products – may protect you from Alzheimer’s disease according to a Finnish study released recently. However, the study is preliminary and is “too small” to be conclusive. More research is needed to establish the link between Vitamin B12 and a lower risk for Alzheimers.

Lead researcher Dr. Babak Hooshmand, of the Aging Research Center at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, says of their findings: “Previous studies have reported that vitamin B12 deficiency is a common condition in the elderly. Our results indicate that vitamin B12 and related metabolites may have a role in Alzheimer’s disease, but more research is needed before we can get conclusions on the role of vitamin B12 supplements on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.”

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